Krishna is Hindu reminiscence’s most liked, loved and worshiped character. He has been given the honor Hindu god and it’s been said that he is 8th avatar of Vishnu. In common, he is portrayed as a butter thief or maakhan chor. His flirtatious behavior with gopi’s or milkmaids more specifically with Radha is most liked and discussed topic in Hindu mythology. Krishna was expert flute player and when he used to play tunes on his flute gopi’s get excited and started to circle around him.
Krishna’s story starts from city of Mathura which is still there in India. Mathura was, located on the bank of river Yamuna, under Yadu dynasty. Yadu’s were shepherds by profession but they slowly became rulers of their land. One of the king’s of Yadu dynasty was Ugarsena who was dethroned and imprisoned by his son Kansa. Ugarsena had a brother named Devak who had a daughter called Devaki. Some scriptural details say Devaki was Kansa’s real sister. Devaki was married to a guy named Vasudeva who was a son of Suryasena and belonged to Yaduvas family like Ugarsena.
Kansa took Devaki and Vasudeva on his royal rath (chariot) to drop them to groom’s house. As when they entered the territory of Mathura, Kansa heard heavenly voice calling from the sky;
“You fool king! Your death is been written/casted in the destiny of this bride’s eighth son”
Kansa halted the chariot abruptly as to kill Devaki on the spot but Vasudeva came between the two. He promised Kansa that if he spares Devaki’s life then he’ll hand over every newborn to him. On the plea of Vasudeva, Kansa left Devaki alive and dropped them to Vasudeva’s house. But to cope with any forthcoming danger and for his security purpose he held them captive under the supervision of his loyal guards.
Now Kansa had made it as his common practice to kill Devaki’s every newborn. He killed 6 innocent babies from time to time. When Devaki got pregnant seventh time, miraculously child was transferred into Rohini’s womb who was Vasudeva’s second wife. Rohini, death scared of Kansa, was living in Gokul which was located on the other side of river Yamuna. Therefore, Devaki’s this son was born from Rohini’s womb and was named as Balarama.
Devaki was pregnant for the eighth time. This baby was also born during their capitivity. It was midnight when lord Vishnu appeared in their room. Both devaki and vasudeva understood this baby is no ordinary baby. It is avatar of god. Its been said that when Vishnu stepped in their room, at the same hour Nanda’s wife Yashodha gave birth to goddess Lakshmi in gokul.
Devaki and vasudeva were trying to understand the situation when lord’s voice came over;
“Take your son to Gokul across Yamuna and exchange him with Yashodha’s daughter. After that return immediately to this place so that people get to know about your 8th child after your return”. Vasudeva at once took his son in his arms and start waking towards the door(s) which started to open itself for him. When he was out he found all the guards in deep sleep. Vasudeva reached the bank of river Yamuna, without any interference, where the river divided itself into two from center to let him walk through it. People of Gokul were sound asleep, no one noticed him coming, exchanging babies and going back to Mathura.
Once Vasudeva placed Yashodha’s daughter besides his wife all the opened doors started to close and the guards were waking up. When they heard the cries of baby they approached to Devaki to take the child to their king Kansa. On the other hand, there was fiesta in Gokul. Everyone was congratulating Nanda on the birth of a son. On the 11th day of celebration some pooja was done and boy was named as Krishna.
Hindu antilogy refers that Balarama had fair complexion where as Krishna was dark. Balarama was mascular and of great height. On the other hand Krishna was leaning thin and active. Both were liked by the milkmaids but Krishna was their favorite. He used to steal butter and milk from their kitchens. Even the gopi’s enjoyed Krishna’s activities still they run to Yashodha to complain her of her son about his mischievous activities, how he steals milk from the pitchers hanging with ropes on roof, how he breaks the pitchers to steal butter from it.
Krishna had very luxurious and colorful life in Gokul. People say, Krishna was expert flute player. When the tunes were heard by gopi’s they get attracted towards him. Krishna liked to play with the gopi’s especially with Radha. The stories of his play with the gopi’s in Vrindavana became known as the Raas Lila. Krishna liked to flirt with all gopi’s but there are myths about his and Radha’s love. There are many stories written in hindu literature regarding their love. Krishna used to annoy Yashodha as well. One of the worshipers of Krishna wrote many poems on his mischievous nature. On of the most famous is “maiyan mori mein nahi makhan khaiyo” which tells about Krishna trying to justify himself in front of his mother Yashodha that he is not responsible for the butter theft.
Stories about Krishna when reached Mathura people started wondering if he is the 8th son of Devaki who is destined to kill Kansa. People started to wait for Krishna to get young enough to kill Kansa. Kansa was confirmed about Krishna that he is going to be responsible for his death therefore he sent massive bull, snake to poison the water of Yamuna, mad horses and other evil souls like ogress Putana to poison Krishna with her breast milk.
After loosing on all the grounds, Kansa planned another strategy according to which he announced a competition in Mathura where all the people had to take part. The plan was to send mad elephant on the brothers who will kill them by crushing them under his feet or if by chance they get passed through this hurdle they will finally be killed by the muscular wrestlers in the ring during wrestling.
There was a hug bow placed at the door of stadium which Krishna broke easily into pieces. Guards tried to arrest them but both successively entered in the ground. As per the planning, mad elephant was sent on them which tried to kill Krishna with his trunk but was killed by Krishna afterwards. Similarly both won battle against the wrestlers in the ring. Kansa was so furious on the failure of his plans. He screamingly ordered that all the people from vrindavana should be arrested. But Krishna in a matter of seconds reached to kansa and dragged him in the public and cut his head off.
Prediction was proved to be right and kansa got killed by Devaki’s 8th sosns. He re-instated kansa’s father, ugarsena as the king of Yadavas and became a leading prince at the court. He married Rukmini, the Vidarbha princess, by abducting her on her request, from her proposed wedding with Shishupala. Krishna subsequently married to 16100 maidens to save their honor from the demon Narakasura who held them captive.
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