In Heaven, Adam & Eve were just partners or husband & wife, there is no evidence available. But all the religious literature writers and researchers agree to the point that relationship between Adam & Eve started only after they were sent to earth and this is when they started their married life and their generations started.
If we consider that Adam was sent on earth in 4160 BC then he reconciled with Eve in 40960 BC because many myths and traditions lay that Adam spent 200 yrs crying, asking God’s forgiveness and searching for Eve. Some researchers believe that first baby was born even 100yrs after their reconciliation. Therefore the starting year of Adam & Eve’s generation is noted as 40860 BC.
By the God’s will, Eve gave birth to twins- a boy and a girl. Cain/ Qayin was Adam’s first child who is also known as Qabeel. His twin sister’s name was Eunda/Yunda. The very next set of twins’ names was Abel/Habel/Habeel and his sister’s name was Aclimba.
The pattern of marriages among them was that the boy was to marry with the girl from other set. Same was with the girls- who had to marry with the boy of other set. Historical literature relates that Cain and Abel wanted to marry with the girls born with them. According to one myth, the girl born with Cain was more beautiful and he wanted to marry with her. Aclimba was not very beautiful.
According to some traditions, Abel feared that if Cain married to Aclimba then he’ll own all the belongings of Aclimba and he will become more powerful then him. Cain had same reservations. When both seek their father’s advice on this matter, Adam suggested them to present some gifts to God. If God accepts your sacrifice then you can do whatever you like.
Both did what their father told them to do. Cain was land cultivator. He brought some fruits from his land and Abel was a shepherd. He offered some of the firstborn of his flock and their fat portions.
In those days, sacrifice or gifts were placed at some heighted place and fire from the sky burns the gifts as a code of acceptance by Lord. The Lord had regard for Abel and his offerings. Cain was furious on this and he was downcast. He attacked his brother and killed him.
This proved that the first murder of a human being was done for a woman. After killing his brother, Cain was confused as how to get rid of his body.
The story of Abel’s murder is also mentioned in the Quran in Surah Al-Maida v 27-32. It’s been said that Cain buried Habel in the forests of Iraq. Whereas some people relay that he was killed and buried in the jungles of Syria. According to Shia Muslim belief, Abel is buried in Nabi Habeel Masjid, located west of Damascus in Syria. Adam was very disappointed by this event and was in a continuous state of mourn. Even it’s been traditionalized that Angels came to him for the condolence of his son.
The history shed no light on the fact whether Cain married to his sister or with Abel’s sister. But there is clear evidence in Torah about at least his 6 generations.
Hazrat Sheesh (A.S)/ Seth/Sheth
Adam’s third son was Seth. According to Ibne Kaseer, Seth means appointed one. According to some traditions, he was born after the death of Abel. This is why he is considered as appointed one. There is no bibliographical proof available to verify whether he had a twin sister or not. Some myths say, there was a difference of 30yrs between the ages of Cain and Seth.
There is one tradition about Hazrat Sheesh A.S that he is the only man on earth who was married to the woman from Heaven- houri. According to some books her name was Aclima but as per some traditions it was Aclimba, not Aclima, who was twin sister of Abel.
Seth received the age of 912yrs. One grave in Ayodhya, India, is said to be the Seth’s grave but no written proof is available. He might have lot of children but the books list the name of his one son only. As per Islamic history, his name was Etosh/Atosh and Enos according to bible. Enos was 920yrs old when he died (or received the age of 905yrs).
Enos’s son’s name was Qaynain/Canain who died at the age of 910yrs. It’s been said that the very first idol was created in the time of his son and Seth was the first person whose statue was worshiped.
Hazrat Idrees (A.S)/Enoch
According to bible, when Idrees was born his father Jared/Yard, was 162yrs old. He had many brothers and sisters. He was 365yrs old when God/Allah took him to 4th sky/ God took home to heaven without dying. When the Last Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) traveled to skies, he met Enoch at 4th sky at the event of Miraj.
According to one prominent tradition, Enoch’s country was near Dajla o Firaat. This was ancient land of human culture and civilization. This land was also known as Babel/Babylon in ancient times. There is a tradition about Babel that it was populated by Canain’s son Mahalaleel but was destructed by Noah’s storm.
There is also one myth, according to which, Idrees was the inventor of mathematics, art of book-keeping, sewing, and units of measurement. It is also one proved fact that God sent a book on him which was popular and accepted as a book of Enoch in 3rd century.
His son’s name was Methuselah who is said to have achieved the longest age in the world. When Methuselah was born, Enoch was 187yrs old and when Methuselah was 182yrs old, Lamech born to him. Methuselah died at the age of 777 and according to Bible, Lamech is the father of Noah.
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