Friday, April 22, 2011

Martin Luther (1483-1546)

He was neither saint nor priest but he is known to the world as a founder of Protestant Reformation. Before that there was no division in Christianity. First he was known as a folk hero then was known to world as the leader of Europe’s most famous revolution called reformations.
Objecting to the doctrines, rituals and ecclesiastical structure of the Catholic Church was not a small thing. He was called to the court of law where statement sent chilling waves in the backbone of Christian society. It muted almost everyone present there in the court. Luther becomes increasingly doubtful that the Church can actually offer him salvation at all. Wracked by despair, Luther finally finds release in the pages of the Bible, when he discovers that it is not the Church, but his own individual faith that will guarantee his salvation. That resulted in his excommunication by the pope and condemnation as an outlaw by the emperor but he somehow managed to escape. Many German kings who were impressed of his thinking gave shelter to him. Slowly his followers started to increase by numbers and at last a new sect came into being in Christian religion which is still in practice.
As a founder or representative of new church, he was a staunch believer of Baptism. He strongly opposed the life style of priests instilled by Catholic Church. He said marriage is not a sin instead it is as necessary as food. He helped many nuns escape from the Nimbschen Cistercian convent in April 1523, when he arranged for them to be smuggled out in herring barrels. He married to Katharina von Bora one of those 12 nun’s he helped. He wrote to Wenceslaus Link, "The Lord has plunged me into marriage." Katherine was 26 years old, Luther was 41 years old.
Luther had written to George Spalatin on 30 November 1524, "I shall never take a wife, as I feel at present. Not that I am insensible to my flesh or sex (for I am neither wood nor stone); but my mind is averse to wedlock because I daily expect the death of a heretic." Before marrying, Luther had been living on the plainest food, and, as he admitted himself, his mildewed bed was not properly made for months at a time.
Martin Luther nailed his Ninety-Five Theses on the Power and Efficacy of Indulgences to the door of the Castle Church, in Wittenberg. The theses debated and criticized the Church and the Pope, but concentrated upon the selling of indulgences and doctrinal policies about purgatory, particular judgment, Catholic devotion to Mary, Jesus’s Mother, the intercession of and devotion to the saints, most of the sacraments, the mandatory clerical celibacy, including monasticism, and the authority of the Pope.
His parents were very religious people. His father worked in a mine and was very strict to Martin. Due to which his childhood days were never so remarkable to him. They were very poor that they had to live in a same room. He was not fond of studies. His father, Hans Luther was ambitious for himself and his family, and he was determined to see Martin, his eldest son, become a lawyer. In accordance with his father's wishes, Luther enrolled in law school at the same university that year but dropped out almost immediately, believing that law represented uncertainty. Luther sought assurances about life and was drawn to theology and philosophy, expressing particular interest in Aristotle, William of Ockham, and Gabriel Biel.

Philosophy proved to be unsatisfying, offering assurance about the use of reason but none about loving God, which to Luther was more important. Reason could not lead men to God, he felt, and he thereafter developed a love-hate relationship with Aristotle over the latter's emphasis on reason. For Luther, reason could be used to question men and institutions, but not God. Human beings could learn about God only through divine revelation, he believed, and Scripture therefore became increasingly important to him.

He later attributed his decision to an event: on 2 July 1505, he was on horseback during a thunderstorm and a lightning bolt struck near him as he was returning to university after a trip home. Later telling his father he was terrified of death and divine judgment, he cried out, "Help! Saint Anna, I will become a monk!" He came to view his cry for help as a vow he could never break. He left law school, sold his books, and entered a closed Augustinian friary in Erfurt on 17 July 1505
In 1512, he did his PHD in religious studies and challenged the doctrines and then current practice of Catholic Church through his teachings, beliefs, research and literature thus giving rise to a new sect called Protestants.

Martin Luther escaped martyrdom, and died of natural causes. His last written words were, "Know that no one can have indulged in the Holy Writers sufficiently, unless he has governed churches for a hundred years with the prophets, such as Elijah and Elisha, John the Baptist, Christ and the apostles... We are beggars: this is true."
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Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Generations of Adam- 40860 BC

In Heaven, Adam & Eve were just partners or husband & wife, there is no evidence available. But all the religious literature writers and researchers agree to the point that relationship between Adam & Eve started only after they were sent to earth and this is when they started their married life and their generations started.
If we consider that Adam was sent on earth in 4160 BC then he reconciled with Eve in 40960 BC because many myths and traditions lay that Adam spent 200 yrs crying, asking God’s forgiveness and searching for Eve. Some researchers believe that first baby was born even 100yrs after their reconciliation. Therefore the starting year of Adam & Eve’s generation is noted as 40860 BC.
By the God’s will, Eve gave birth to twins- a boy and a girl. Cain/ Qayin was Adam’s first child who is also known as Qabeel. His twin sister’s name was Eunda/Yunda. The very next set of twins’ names was Abel/Habel/Habeel and his sister’s name was Aclimba.
The pattern of marriages among them was that the boy was to marry with the girl from other set. Same was with the girls- who had to marry with the boy of other set. Historical literature relates that Cain and Abel wanted to marry with the girls born with them. According to one myth, the girl born with Cain was more beautiful and he wanted to marry with her. Aclimba was not very beautiful.
According to some traditions, Abel feared that if Cain married to Aclimba then he’ll own all the belongings of Aclimba and he will become more powerful then him. Cain had same reservations. When both seek their father’s advice on this matter, Adam suggested them to present some gifts to God. If God accepts your sacrifice then you can do whatever you like.
Both did what their father told them to do. Cain was land cultivator. He brought some fruits from his land and Abel was a shepherd. He offered some of the firstborn of his flock and their fat portions.
In those days, sacrifice or gifts were placed at some heighted place and fire from the sky burns the gifts as a code of acceptance by Lord. The Lord had regard for Abel and his offerings. Cain was furious on this and he was downcast. He attacked his brother and killed him.
This proved that the first murder of a human being was done for a woman. After killing his brother, Cain was confused as how to get rid of his body.
Because it was the very first incident of a death on earth and they had no clue as to what to do with the body. In a meanwhile, he saw a raven who scratched the ground to show him how to hide the shame of his brother. According to some traditions, two  ravens landed on earth fighting with each other out of which one killed the other and digged the ground to burry him in it. When Cain saw that he did the same with his brother.
The story of Abel’s murder is also mentioned in the Quran in Surah Al-Maida v 27-32. It’s been said that Cain buried Habel in the forests of Iraq. Whereas some people relay that he was killed and buried in the jungles of Syria. According to Shia Muslim belief, Abel is buried in Nabi Habeel Masjid, located west of Damascus in Syria. Adam was very disappointed by this event and was in a continuous state of mourn. Even it’s been traditionalized that Angels came to him for the condolence of his son.
The history shed no light on the fact whether Cain married to his sister or with Abel’s sister. But there is clear evidence in Torah about at least his 6 generations.
Hazrat Sheesh (A.S)/ Seth/Sheth
Adam’s third son was Seth. According to Ibne Kaseer, Seth means appointed one. According to some traditions, he was born after the death of Abel. This is why he is considered as appointed one. There is no bibliographical proof available to verify whether he had a twin sister or not. Some myths say, there was a difference of 30yrs between the ages of Cain and Seth.
There is one tradition about Hazrat Sheesh A.S that he is the only man on earth who was married to the woman from Heaven- houri.  According to some books her name was Aclima but as per some traditions it was Aclimba, not Aclima, who was twin sister of Abel.
Seth received the age of 912yrs. One grave in Ayodhya, India, is said to be the Seth’s grave but no written proof is available. He might have lot of children but the books list the name of his one son only. As per Islamic history, his name was Etosh/Atosh and Enos according to bible. Enos was 920yrs old when he died (or received the age of 905yrs).
Enos’s son’s name was Qaynain/Canain who died at the age of 910yrs.  It’s been said that the very first idol was created in the time of his son and Seth was the first person whose statue was worshiped.
Hazrat Idrees (A.S)/Enoch 
According to bible, when Idrees was born his father Jared/Yard, was 162yrs old. He had many brothers and sisters. He was 365yrs old when God/Allah took him to 4th sky/ God took home to heaven without dying. When the Last Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) traveled to skies, he met Enoch at 4th sky at the event of Miraj.
According to one prominent tradition, Enoch’s country was near Dajla o Firaat. This was ancient land of human culture and civilization. This land was also known as Babel/Babylon in ancient times. There is a tradition about Babel that it was populated by Canain’s son Mahalaleel but was destructed by Noah’s storm.
There is also one myth, according to which, Idrees was the inventor of mathematics, art of book-keeping, sewing, and units of measurement. It is also one proved fact that God sent a book on him which was popular and accepted as a book of Enoch in 3rd century.
His son’s name was Methuselah who is said to have achieved the longest age in the world. When Methuselah was born, Enoch was 187yrs old and when Methuselah was 182yrs old, Lamech born to him. Methuselah died at the age of 777 and according to Bible, Lamech is the father of Noah.

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Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Krishna & his Milkmaids(Gopi's) 5.771 BC

Perhaps it can never be correctly stated and announced as to when Hindu Gods were born or how ancient they are. One of its simplest reasons is that unless & until the right age of universe is calculated, one cannot guess these Gods age. There are many self-written stories in the Hindu literature portrays their gods and goddesses being busy in the creation of universe and things belonging to it. But except Hindu mythology and ideology, there is no scientific proof there to verify these stories. No one knows whether the universe is one of their creations or any supernatural power is behind.

Krishna is Hindu reminiscence’s most liked, loved and worshiped character. He has been given the honor Hindu god and it’s been said that he is 8th avatar of Vishnu. In common, he is portrayed as a butter thief or maakhan chor. His flirtatious behavior with gopi’s or milkmaids more specifically with Radha is most liked and discussed topic in Hindu mythology.  Krishna was expert flute player and when he used to play tunes on his flute gopi’s get excited and started to circle around him.
Krishna’s story starts from city of Mathura which is still there in India. Mathura was, located on the bank of river Yamuna, under Yadu dynasty. Yadu’s were shepherds by profession but they slowly became rulers of their land. One of the king’s of Yadu dynasty was Ugarsena who was dethroned and imprisoned by his son Kansa.  Ugarsena had a brother named Devak who had a daughter called Devaki. Some scriptural details say Devaki was Kansa’s real sister. Devaki was married to a guy named Vasudeva who was a son of Suryasena and belonged to Yaduvas family like Ugarsena.
Kansa took Devaki and Vasudeva on his royal rath (chariot) to drop them to groom’s house. As when they entered the territory of Mathura, Kansa heard heavenly voice calling from the sky;
“You fool king! Your death is been written/casted in the destiny of this bride’s eighth son”
Kansa halted the chariot abruptly as to kill Devaki on the spot but Vasudeva came between the two. He promised Kansa that if he spares Devaki’s life then he’ll hand over every newborn to him.  On the plea of Vasudeva, Kansa left Devaki alive and dropped them to Vasudeva’s house. But to cope with any forthcoming danger and for his security purpose he held them captive under the supervision of his loyal guards.
Now Kansa had made it as his common practice to kill Devaki’s every newborn. He killed 6 innocent babies from time to time. When Devaki got pregnant seventh time, miraculously child was transferred into Rohini’s womb who was Vasudeva’s second wife.  Rohini, death scared of Kansa, was living in Gokul which was located on the other side of river Yamuna. Therefore, Devaki’s this son was born from Rohini’s womb and was named as Balarama.
Devaki was pregnant for the eighth time. This baby was also born during their capitivity. It was midnight when lord Vishnu appeared in their room. Both devaki and vasudeva understood this baby is no ordinary baby. It is avatar of god. Its been said that when Vishnu stepped in their room, at the same hour Nanda’s wife Yashodha gave birth to goddess Lakshmi in gokul.
Devaki and vasudeva were trying to understand the situation when lord’s voice came over;
“Take your son to Gokul across Yamuna and exchange him with Yashodha’s daughter. After that return immediately to this place so that people get to know about your 8th child after your return”. Vasudeva at once took his son in his arms and start waking towards the door(s) which started to open itself for him. When he was out he found all the guards in deep sleep. Vasudeva reached the bank of river Yamuna, without any interference, where the river divided itself into two from center to let him walk through it. People of Gokul were sound asleep, no one noticed him coming, exchanging babies and going back to Mathura.
Once Vasudeva placed Yashodha’s daughter besides his wife all the opened doors started to close and the guards were waking up.  When they heard the cries of baby they approached to Devaki to take the child to their king Kansa. On the other hand, there was fiesta in Gokul. Everyone was congratulating Nanda on the birth of a son. On the 11th day of celebration some pooja was done and boy was named as Krishna.

Hindu antilogy refers that Balarama had fair complexion where as Krishna was dark. Balarama was mascular and of great height. On the other hand Krishna was leaning thin and active. Both were liked by the milkmaids but Krishna was their favorite. He used to steal butter and milk from their kitchens. Even the gopi’s enjoyed Krishna’s activities still they run to Yashodha to complain her of her son about his mischievous activities, how he steals milk from the pitchers hanging with ropes on roof, how he breaks the pitchers to steal butter from it.
Krishna had very luxurious and colorful life in Gokul. People say, Krishna was expert flute player. When the tunes were heard by gopi’s they get attracted towards him. Krishna liked to play with the gopi’s especially with Radha. The stories of his play with the gopi’s in Vrindavana became known as the Raas Lila. Krishna liked to flirt with all gopi’s but there are myths about his and Radha’s love. There are many stories written in hindu literature regarding their love. Krishna used to annoy Yashodha as well. One of the worshipers of Krishna wrote many poems on his mischievous nature. On of the most famous is “maiyan mori mein nahi makhan khaiyo” which tells about Krishna trying to justify himself in front of his mother Yashodha that he is not responsible for the butter theft.
Stories about Krishna when reached Mathura people started wondering if he is the 8th son of Devaki who is destined to kill Kansa. People started to wait for Krishna to get young enough to kill Kansa. Kansa was confirmed about Krishna that he is going to be responsible for his death therefore he sent massive bull, snake to poison the water of Yamuna, mad horses and other evil souls like ogress Putana to poison Krishna with her breast milk.
After loosing on all the grounds, Kansa planned another strategy according to which he announced a competition in Mathura where all the people had to take part. The plan was to send mad elephant on the brothers who will kill them by crushing them under his feet or if by chance they get passed through this hurdle they will finally be killed by the muscular wrestlers in the ring during wrestling.
There was a hug bow placed at the door of stadium which Krishna broke easily into pieces. Guards tried to arrest them but both successively entered in the ground. As per the planning, mad elephant was sent on them which tried to kill Krishna with his trunk but was killed by Krishna afterwards. Similarly both won battle against the wrestlers in the ring. Kansa was so furious on the failure of his plans. He screamingly ordered that all the people from vrindavana should be arrested. But Krishna in a matter of seconds reached to kansa and dragged him in the public and cut his head off.
Prediction was proved to be right and kansa got killed by Devaki’s 8th sosns. He re-instated kansa’s father, ugarsena as the king of Yadavas and became a leading prince at the court. He married Rukmini, the Vidarbha princess, by abducting her on her request, from her proposed wedding with Shishupala. Krishna subsequently married to 16100 maidens to save their honor from the demon Narakasura who held them captive.
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Monday, April 4, 2011

Eros- God of Love & Erotica

Eros is the most famous and honorable Greek God. In Rome, he is known as Cupid. Word Eros means to love, romance and erotica. In Roman Mythology, Cupid means Desire. Some Romans disapprove/ contradict the arguments about his parents. There is a common belief that Eros/cupid was son of Venus- Goddess of Love & beauty. Whereas some people argues that Venus and Mars- God of war, gave birth to Eros and some people argue that he was son of Venus and Zeus- Father of Gods and Men. Some people share a belief which states that his mother was Arizonan who got pregnant in westernized culture and gave birth to Eros.

According to Roman Antiquity, Eros was very first God in the universe. It was believed that he had neither a father nor a mother. One Roman Histologist and story teller  says;

"Many people believe Eros was born and it was he who gave birth to Light. He was Bi-sexual; a male and female. He had four heads and golden arms. Sometimes he used to hiss like a snake and other times roars like a lion or bull. He was the most beautiful and gorgeous of all Gods. As per the early stories about him, he was usually serious looking guy who used to give gifts to different people"  

Famous Classical Greek Philosopher Plato says;

"Eros lies in the heart of people but he only like softhearted people and stays away from stone hearted. His most honorable quality is that he cannot do any bad to anyone and neither allow anyone to do so. Everyone independently and willingly serve him and whoever tastes his love can never stay in the dark"

But many different poets and philosophers introduced him as a clever and naughty son of Venus. There are many Greek myths about him stating that his heart is the den of devil but tongue is sweeter than honey. He is a lier and the most decisive person. He likes to spread pain and torture others. His gifts are engraved in fire. Many other Roman sayings quote that cupid was not Venus's son instead he was her lover and partner.

He was able to do anything to anyone. He was very naughty and mischievous. His most favorite activity play was to wound people by throwing arrows dipped in love and lust. His mother is depicted as scolding and spanking to him of his mischievous nature. He was immature boy who had respect for no one. His play was to spread his wings and wander here and there to throw arrows of love and erotica. Due to his unresponsive nature and activities, he was never included in the great Olympian.

He Fell accidentally in love with the Princess Psyche who his mother was highly jealous of. Due to her jealousy she ordered Eros to make psyche fall in love with the worlds most vilest person. He accidentally scratched himself with his own arrow before throwing it on her and fell madly in love with her.

Cupid is often portrayed as a nude winged boy or baby armed with a bow and quiver  of arrows. He is also shown to be carrying shield and sword which depicts that God of war Mars bows against him.
Cupid's power is described by massive lion or huge dolphin which he uses to travel on or he is shown to be playing with Zeus's lightning's of skies. He is mostly shown as a blind person which relates to the belief that love is blind.

There are many fairy tales written on Cupid. He along with his mother is responsible for the destruction of many families and the love-stricken lunatic people

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